ニューヨーク生活を楽しむ世界中の日本人のための情報サイト For Girls

11/16 マンハッタンの教会が鍋🍲パーティーを開催




11/16 鍋パーティー! Nabe🍲Party on Saturday, November 16th from 1 – 4 PM at the church (No alcohol will be served!)

Please join us for a Nabe Party on Saturday, November 16th from 1 – 4 PM at the Japanese American United Church (255 7th Ave, New York, NY 10001).We will be gathering together to have a fun time making and eating nabe, a popular Japanese hot pot dish where a variety of vegetables, tofu, and meats are cooked together in a savory broth at the table. It’s a chance to experience God’s love through community and good food!
Please RSVP by Friday, November 15 if you will be joining the program.
みんなで鍋を囲んで、楽しいひとときを過ごしましょう! 鍋料理は、テーブルで野菜、豆腐、お肉などを煮込んで一緒に味わう日本の人気料理です。美味しい食事を通して、神様の愛を感じられる機会です!



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